Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in proposals to EuroNanoMed III

This webpage is to give a short introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as concept and sources for more information. It also presents a possible way of reflecting around RRI and introducing these reflections and RRI measures to a project proposal in nanomedicine. The philosophy is to visualise RRI as an integrated part of the project involving all participants.

The guidelines and information are to be found in the PDF file “Guidelines for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in proposals to EuroNanoMed III”

EuroNanoMed III took RRI into the running of the ERA-NET and funding of research and innovation in a comprehensive way. We made a new approach to RRI integration in proposals evaluation and writing by establishing RRI Guidelines. We have in collaboration with the UK Centre for Mammalian Synthetic Biology made an RRI impact report: King, A. and Smith, R.D.J. (2022) Infrastructure for Responsible Research and Innovation: An appraisal of the EuroNanoMed III portfolio Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.

The key recommendations on how programme managers might build capacity for RRI in the future, particularly when viewed in light of learning from other ERA-NET programmes, are:
  1. To collectively identify a distinct set of goals, methods and frameworks that circumscribe RRI.
  2. To offer a comprehensive and curated list of resources for teams to consider and engage with in the proposal stage and throughout the programme.
  3. To include reviewers with a background in RRI and provide all reviewers with comprehensive RRI guidelines to reinforce engagement in the evaluation stage.
  4. To offer teams space for reflection and engagement with RRI: both within programme documents, i.e., proposal and monitoring forms, as well as in the forms of iterative workshops.