ENM III is expected to launch a joint transnational call in autumn 2016 May 5, 2016

EuroNanoMed has recently applied for an extension of its activities in Europe and beyond. The ENM III application has been positively evaluated and is currently undergoing the Grant Agreement Preparation phase with the Commission.

The ENM III consortium, reinforced with 12 new partners from Europe, Canada and Taiwan, is committed to foster the competiveness of European nanomedicine actors, taking into account recent changes in the landscape and new stakeholders and challenges, as identified in the Nanomedicine Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

ENM III is expected to start and launch the first joint call in autumn 2016, whichwill be co-funded by ENM III partners and the EC.

Following the co-funded call, three additional joint transnational calls will be organized and strategic activities will be conducted in collaboration with key initiatives in the field.

ENM III actions will strength their focus on translation of project results to clinical applications and industry needs.